How Voice Search SEO 🗣 Will Drive Sales – Can You Hear Me Now?  📱

Voice search is growing in popularity. Source: Theo Decker (Pexels)

Who wants to enter a search query manually when they can say it? A growing number of people believe that using voice search is preferable to typing out your search query. According to Jupiter Research, voice search will generate $80 billion in income by 2023. And who wouldn't want to get their hands on a significant piece of e‑commerce pie like that?

The ever-shifting methods individuals use to look for information online strongly suggest that digital marketing is destined to evolve. It's now up to businesses to keep up with the changing environment of voice search by optimizing their interfaces, platforms, and websites.

Working to take advantage of new changes in digital marketing may be a struggle with new technological breakthroughs that move the company's boundaries every year. The broad use of voice search technology and its implications on internet usage have created these market shifts.

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What Is Voice Search?

What Is Voice Search?

As the name suggests, Voice search is a method of searching the internet using only your voice.

Nowadays, most smartphones and other personal electronic devices feature a voice only search option that allows you to talk into your microphone while using a search engine such as Google or a voice assistant function like Siri to obtain search results without typing in your question.

Because of the increasing number of consumers who prefer searching with their vocal chords rather than their fingers, search SEO is rapidly becoming a hot topic for those who want to increase their eCommerce businesses sales. Voice search SEO looks set to be a crucial component in your digital marketing toolbox in the near future.

Voice search has been an instant success, spreading like wildfire as consumers learned they could now search for goods without lifting a finger. Smart speakers and digital voice assistants are used by millions of people around the world and adoption is universal, with the voice search trend catching on among young and old alike.


What Makes Voice Search So Important in E-Commerce

What Makes Voice Search So Important in E-Commerce

By the end of the year, voice searches are expected to account for around half of all internet searches. Given how new this option is, that's a pretty impressive prediction. With stats and trends like these, you can't afford to ignore voice search SEO. If you do, your competitors will leave you standing. There's still time to jump in and grasp some of that first-mover edge that everyone craves. Surprisingly, most firms do not include voice search SEO in their digital marketing efforts.

With the inevitable improvements in voice search technology, consumers will be able to locate the items and services they're seeking even faster and more readily. A critical advantage of voice search is that it’s hands-free and therefore allows users to carry out searches while doing other things. A strong voice search algorithm that understands user intent and can refer to prior searches and purchases will meet the user's exact requirements.

The COVID-19 outbreak has forced many customers to modify their relationships with numerous technological platforms. Early indicators suggest consumers are using voice-activated gadgets and thus voice search more than ever before. The percentage of people who use speech technology once or multiple times per day increased in April, while the average number of weekly voice requests made on smart home speakers rose from 9.4 to 10.8. This increase was undoubtedly due to so many people being confined to their houses, yet changes in digital usage habits are notoriously sticky. A substantial number of people who begin to recognize the benefits of new technology continue to do so. As a result, the pandemic will likely provide voice search the same boost as remote working. But with the advancement of technology, this trend will be boosted in future too.

What are Popular Voice Search Devices and Search Engines?

What are Popular Voice Search Devices and Search Engines?

It’s highly likely that you have a voice search gadget in your pocket or on your desk right now. One of the reasons voice searches are so popular is that the technology is built into practically every gadget we own, making it extremely convenient to use.

The following are some of the most common voice search devices, as well as the search engines they use:

  • Google Home: Google
  • Amazon Echo/Alexa: Bing
  • Google Assistant: Google
  • iPhone/Siri: Safari


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What are the effects of voice on SEO?

What are the effects of voice on SEO?

What do you want Google to do when you input a query? First it must understand what your query means before presenting you with the finest matching search results.

The way we enter inquiries into Google differs significantly from how we converse with our voice assistants.

We use extremely keyword-based searches when we type, but our queries become a lot more conversational for voice search. As a result, search engines must be extremely adept at semantics, or understanding what words mean.

The way we use language is complex, and robots have difficulty deciphering what we're saying. That said, voice search has caused search engines to improve dramatically in this area—Google leads the way with significant improvements.

Due to its numerous advantages, voice search is becoming increasingly popular. Here's a rundown of some of the distinguishing features of voice and text searches.

Query Length‍

The length of queries is one of the first things that comes to mind. Comparing the query length for Cortana searches to normal text searches we discover that on average, text searches are two words long (rather short). In voice searches, the queries or phrases that attract the highest volume, hits, and impressions are those comprising three to four words. As a result, consumers have changed their search behavior for voice vs. text without even realizing it.

Question words

‍On your computer keyboard, you would probably type "best laptops." However, when speaking, you’re much more likely to say something like "What are the greatest laptop brands in Germany?" According to SEO Clarity, only 25keywords are responsible for 20% of voice searches. These contain essential nouns and adjectives like a recipe, new, easy, types, and home, as well as question words and other frequently used verbs like make, do, and can.

What SEO Looks Like in the Verbal Digital World

What SEO Looks Like in the Verbal Digital World

Due to the influence of voice search, it is now more necessary than ever to put your company in all of the major directories. "Near me," "in the neighborhood," and "close by" are common phrases used by casual speakers. The search engine accesses your location information and proceeds from there.

Voice recognition is already a reality, and it's gaining popularity among customers. Are you prepared for it? Here's a smart strategy to master Voice Search SEO and keep your business competitive: Contact a digital growth firm for experienced guidance tailored to your audience's demands and your company's capabilities.

In what way adapt to voice SEO?

In what way adapt to voice SEO?

With speech technology influencing SEO in various ways, here are a few recommendations to help companies adapt.

  • ‍Google Voice favors websites that load quickly, so companies should optimize graphics, compress data, minimize reaction time, and make sure their sites are fully responsive.
  • Long-tail keywords that represent popular voice search queries should be utilized to optimize content. Concentrate on using natural language.
  • To address the growing search traffic for local companies with voice, local information for your brand should be offered - Google My Business can assist.

Search results may be improved by increasing domain authority, which you can do by incorporating high-quality links.



Because voice search is only going to grow, you should devote more time and effort to voice search SEO. People are purchasing online in greater numbers than ever before, and many prefer to speak rather than write their questions. With e-commerce expected to exceed $40 billion by 2022, it's more important than ever to master voice search SEO. This will necessitate some changes to your present online material, but it's not out of the question. If you're a brand-new company with little to no content, you could start by optimizing your material for voice search, which can help you rank better in search results and generate more leads and sales.

It is undeniable that voice technology will influence SEO. The impact on enterprises will be significant, given the massive increase in voice adoption and use. Brands that can predict and stay ahead of changes before they occur will undoubtedly profit in the years ahead.