Gute Frage

What does a serious web design offer look like?

A good quotation is comprehensible and includes everything that has been discussed. It is clear which services lead to which costs and what they consist of in detail.

The first time you make enquiries at an Internet agency, you may be surprised by the different offers you receive. It's not always easy to compare these offers based purely on content. However, some aspects will speak for a serious offer right from the start.

  • Is the information you've provided reflected in the offer? Information such as "according to the email of 17 May" would be a start. However, it's better to clearly include existing information and additional assumptions in the document.
  • Important: Do not forget time milestones at this point.
  • Are the individual services listed separately with their costs? The more detailed an offer is, the more understandable and realistic the total costs will be. Offers along the lines of "website: 1,000 euros" should be rejected from the outset.
  • Is it clear how the figures are calculated in detail (e.g., based on expenses)? Items that are more or less identical for every website (e.g., "set-up of development environment") can certainly be a flat rate, at the same time expenses should be shown at the latest if they relate directly to the scope of your project.
  • As a layperson, do you understand what work is hidden in which position? Even if you can't understand everything in detail, you should still know what you're paying for in which position.
  • Is it clear for each position what concrete result has to come out? If, for example, the conception is offered, then the result of this position should be a complete information architecture, understandable to all participants and leaving no questions unanswered.

Are all positions offered in full? Information such as "Content maintenance per page: 2 h" can become a trap if it's unclear how many pages your website will contain. In any case, try to close these open positions.

Budget đŸ’¶ for web design - How much should a website cost?

Planning a new website? If you want things to go better this time, budget-wise, this article is just for you!

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Official Webflow Partner


Certified Expert and Development Partner.
User Experience

Zertifizierte Experten

fĂŒr Usability und User Experience.

IHK Mitglied

und zertifizierter Projektmanager.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Perfektion ist nicht dann erreicht, wenn es nichts mehr hinzuzufĂŒgen gibt, sondern wenn man nichts mehr weglassen kann.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Srividya Subramanian

Wir fĂŒhlten uns bei revision6 gut verstanden.

„Trotz unserer vielschichtigen und komplexen Themen fĂŒhlten wir uns bei revision6 gut verstanden und unsere Website in den richtigen HĂ€nden. Die angebotenen VorschlĂ€ge und Lösungen waren meistens Punktlandungen. Besonders hervorheben möchte ich die angenehme Kommunikation.“
Srividya Subramanian
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
Ulf Nitz

Die analytische Kompetenz und Beratung, die wir gesucht haben

„revision6 hat uns die analytische Kompetenz und Beratung geboten, die wir gesucht haben. Nicht nur eine Website machen, die gut aussieht. Sondern eine Website realisieren, die die Zielgruppe optimal erreicht. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Tobi Huber und seinem Team war zu jedem Zeitpunkt des Projekts angenehm. Super gelaufen! Super Ergebnis!“
Ulf Nitz
International Service Logistics Association e.V.
Prof. Dr. Kurt Stockinger

Die Zusammenarbeit wurde stringent gefĂŒhrt und gut kommuniziert.

„revision6 hat unsere Website auf das nĂ€chste Level gehoben. Dabei wurde die Zusammenarbeit stringent gefĂŒhrt und gut kommuniziert.“
Prof. Dr. Kurt Stockinger
ZHAW School of Engineering

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